・安達邦知 :弊社翻訳事業部主席部員。薬学博士。
東京大学大学院(薬・博士)修了。田辺三菱製薬入社後オックスフォード大学留学。帰朝後、医薬品の創薬化学研究(主に免疫炎症領域)に従事。熊本大学 先端薬学教授、京都大学 薬学部等非常勤講師等を歴任。「化学英語の研究」と 題して英語研究会を主宰。新規免疫抑制薬(フィンゴリモド)の発明で、創薬科学賞・発明賞・大河内記念技術賞受賞。
・真野秀幸 :弊社取締役、学術情報部長。薬学修士。
・Tony Atkinson氏 :日本翻訳者協会理事、同製薬翻訳分科会元会長、クイーンズランド大学(豪)非常勤講師
Majoring in physics (BSc) at the University of Western Australia, Tony Atkinson taught science for ten years before switching to Japanese-English translation in 1988. A freelance translator since 1992, his work is now focused mainly on the areas of medicine and drug development. He also lectures in J-E medical translation in the Master’s Course in Japanese and English Translation at the University of Queensland, and delivers seminars and workshops on pharma translation and English scientific writing to clients in Japan. He is currently a Board member of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) and a past chair of JATPHARMA, the JAT special-interest group dedicated to pharma translation.
・Jay Kilpatrick氏 :日本翻訳者協会製薬翻訳分科会会員
Jay earned a Bachelor of Science in tropical horticulture and became fascinated with the Japanese language at the University of Hawaii. After graduating in 1978, he lived in or near Fukuoka city for six years, working as an English teacher and studying Japanese. After returning to the United States, he earned a Master of Science in biology from the University of Michigan, focusing on cell and molecular biology, and then conducted laboratory research on HIV and adenovirus in the University of Michigan Medical School for four years. Since 1993, he has worked as a translator specializing in medicine, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, and in recent years, has translated a wide variety of CMC-related documents and come to appreciate the breadth and importance of this subfield of pharmaceutical translation. He is a member of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) and the author of the “Quality” (i.e., CMC) section of the JAT Pharma Handbook (2011). He is also a member of the Drug Information Association (DIA) and has attended many DIA events in Japan and the United States. He lives in the Great Lakes region of the United States in Ann Arbor, Michigan.