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Benjamin Tompkins:日本翻訳者協会前会長・前理事

Ben Tompkins began translating professionally as an in-house translator and editor at a translation agency in Fukuoka, Japan in 1994. Now working as a technical Japanese-to-English translator from his home in that city, he specializes in pharmaceuticals, patents, and biomedicine. His work-related interests include productivity, neuroplasticity, and anticancer drugs. Ben has served as IJET-16 Organizing Committee Chair, a board member and Webmaster of the Mid-America Chapter of the American Translators Association, and has been active in the Japanese Language Division of the ATA.

Jay Kilparick: M.Sc. 日本翻訳者協会製薬翻訳分科会会員 

Jay earned a Master of Science in biology from the University of Michigan, focusing on cell and molecular biology, and was involved in research on HIV and adenovirus at the University of Michigan Medical School for four years. Since 1993, he has worked as a translator specializing in medicine, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, and in recent years, has widen to CMC-related documents. He is a member of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) and the author of the “Quality” (i.e., CMC) section of the JAT Pharma Handbook (2011). He is also a member of the Drug Information Association (DIA).


田嶌 奈々: 株式会社翻訳センター 品質管理推進部/MT&CAT推進部 部長



Tony Atkinson:日本翻訳者協会会長、同製薬翻訳分科会元会長、クイーンズランド大非常勤講師

Majoring in physics (BSc) at the University of Western Australia, Tony Atkinson taught science for ten years before switching to Japanese-English translation in 1988. A freelance translator since 1992, his work is now focused mainly on the areas of medicine and drug development. He also lectures in J-E medical translation in the Master’s Course in Japanese and English Translation at the University of Queensland, and delivers seminars and workshops on pharma translation and English scientific writing to clients in Japan.

齊藤 亜紀良:弊社 取締役バイスプレジデント・翻訳事業部長・薬学博士 


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