松本 光正:弊社事業推進部長・薬学修士
著書、「意思決定(Go/No go判断)における分析手法の限界と現実的な運用方法/第5章 基礎研究段階における意思決定手法」(サイエンス&テクノロジー社)など。
角嶋 正甫:弊社上級アドバイザー・理学博士
Benjamin Tompkins:日本翻訳者協会前会長・前理事
Ben Tompkins lives in beautiful Fukuoka, Japan, where he began translating professionally in 1994. Ben specializes in pharmaceutical and biomedical translation. He owns Tompkins Biomedical Communications, a provider of translation and other language services to pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, and universities. Ben served as President of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) from June 2016 to June 2017 and has helped organize three IJET conferences in and outside Japan. He can be reached at ben@tompkinsbiomedical.com.
成田 昌稔:元厚生労働省大臣官房審議官(医薬担当)
東京大学大学院薬学系研究科修士課程修了。昭和57年厚生省(当時)入省後、(独)医薬基盤研究所 企画調整部長、(独)医薬品医療機器総合機構 上席審議役、厚生労働省医薬食品局審査管理課長、(独)医薬品医療機器総合機構 理事(技監)、厚生労働省大臣審議官を歴任。平成27年厚生労働省を退任。(公財)日本薬剤師研修センター上級顧問、(特非)医薬品・食品品質保証支援センター 代表理事、(一財)食品薬品安全センター 理事、熊本大学 非常勤講師。
Tony Atkinson:日本翻訳者協会理事、同製薬翻訳分科会元会長、クイーンズランド大非常勤講師
Majoring in physics (BSc) at the University of Western Australia, Tony Atkinson taught science for ten years before switching to Japanese-English translation in 1988. A freelance translator since 1992, his work is now focused mainly on the areas of medicine and drug development. He also lectures in J-E medical translation in the Master’s Course in Japanese and English Translation at the University of Queensland, and delivers seminars and workshops on pharma translation and English scientific writing to clients in Japan. He is currently a Board member of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) and a past chair of JATPHARMA, the JAT special-interest group dedicated to pharma translation.